Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tree Poetry

Looking for inspiration for my class this evening I came across this poem on the web:

Breath by J. Daniel Beaudry

Tree, gather up my thoughts
like the clouds in your branches
Draw up my soul
like the waters in your root

In the arteries of your trunk
bring me together
Through your leaves
breathe out the sky

(particularly great because i'm planning a class on Muscle Energy -- specifically drawing up from foot to pelvis)

Monday, July 7, 2008

What the Heart Says

I was practicing in Todd and Ann's class on the chakras about a week ago now. and we were working on the third chakra. we'd done plenty of abdominal work that i couldn't exactly join in on because of my rounder belly but i did what i could and modified where possible. and then we went into arm balances. Bakasana, parsvabakasana etc. again i was fighting an off-center center of gravity, and baby in the way for most of the poses, but i modified and did what i could.

and suddenly my heart burst out into my thoughts: "i LOVE arm balances" and instantly my body, heart, mind, soul, agreed. yes, arm balances rule and are a lot of fun and are worth loving.

then my rational mind burst into laughter...."You do?" and i nearly laughed out loud at the change in myself.

my rational mind is usually telling me things like "i hate arm balances" and " i'm afraid of and terrible at arm balances in general." but here it was, more accurate and true for me in my practice right now today. in reality arm balances are pretty darn fun and cool no matter how much success i have in my attempts at them.

so the statement i usually reserve for backbending and handstand 'i love X pose...' can now be expanded

turns out I LOVE ARM BALANCES too. Sweet!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Immersion 2 Yogini's Journal 2

Friday June 27, 2008 - - Columbus Ohio

Some random thoughts

- I realized this evening... So many of us in this immersion are Anusara Orphans. We have no home kula, no big Anusara family to draw from. and yet, we still do not desert the practice. We come back to it and we find a way to stay connected. We are so luckily recharged by events such as this one. So many of the people i've talked to are in the similar position as me of being one shining light of Anusara - even as teachers- with no one else around. At least i know as i go back an am alone again that i am not alone in my being alone.

- I spoke up in the group and shared some of my experience today which was an odd move for me. The beauty of it was that then it was as if my light was shining brighter and more people saw me. So i was able to connect to more people in the process because they shared about their own lives or they asked me more about me. It was nice to be seen and not to shy away from that.

- The women i'm sharing the B&B with have both cooked dinner and shared food with me. i felt a bit uneasy about it. But then i think back to even a few weeks ago when all i wanted was for someone to cook for me and i feel such GRATITUDE. i feel totally wrapped in Abundance. Very very grateful for their joy, hospitality, and sharing. and i'll just try to extend the same in return.

--Other gratitude and inspiration

-i am grateful for my group of spiritual friends at home. a group i can come together with and share about all of these moments.

-I am grateful for my family and the love i feel for them and from them - including all of my wonderful friends.

- i am inspired to have friends over to share meals

- i am inspired to practice with N.

- i am inspired to learn more and play more with my chakras

Immersion 2 Yogini's Journal

June 26 2008 -- Columbus, Ohio

Two days of immersion done already. I am interested to note that i feel much more energetic than i do at home most days and much more energetic than i was expecting to feel. Maybe i'm allowing myself to fall into a lethargy at home that isn't needed. And by working so strongly in this true, deep alignment I'm actually building more strength and energy rather than less. I think i was extremely ready to come to this immersion this time. My energy was ready to receive and my body was better prepared after taking all of Maria's classes all winter/spring.

And i'm just realizing now, i'm SO able to be a student of Todd and Ann. There's nothing in the way with them or the people around me who i am practicing with. Some part of me that had a guard up or needed to "prove" myself in Washington, DC isn't in the way or showing up here. I am quite simply enjoying the learning. This feels like a five day workshop (not an immersion).

In some of the reading tonight i am finding inspiration for my classes back home, so that is exciting. Time to go back to basics and really refine, and actually TEACH the actions in the body. Time to separate them at first and then integrate them down the line. People are smart - they can learn and apply these things.

I keep thinking one day i'd love to have Todd come to Richmond to give a workshop. It could be sometime several years from now probably once i've gotten some Anusara more established there. and if he did, then some of my students could come. So that idea makes me think i need to get serious and organized in teaching this stuff for real so the students can really apply the principles in their bodies. then when they meet Todd and he sees their practices he can see i taught them well.

This immersion doesn't particularly feel ground breaking to me. It feels comfortable and happy - Love filled. Like a mini-retreat, a refresher, a recharger even though i am learning new concepts.
I feel very settled, where many times this much yoga and this much being away from home would be unsettling and would feel chaotic. or it would have me more stirred up about big trauma in my life. Today i feel like this is exactly where i am meant to be. I am doing exactly what i am meant to be doing. If anything, instead of stirred up emotionally, i feel more inspired. But really, not even that. I just feel settled. Calm, at peace with what is. even my body feels that way - i am sore certainly - but not overly sore. Sore not tightened or locking or holding. It's like i have soreness and i am releasing it and softening into it. that feels good.

So, as we say in Anusara (and on all the T-shirts) Life is Good. not terrible, not AWESOME. Just Right. Total goldilocks principle. And i'll rest in that tonight.